Ketamine Powder



Ketamine powder is produced commercially in a number of countries, including the United States. Most of the ketamine illegally distributed in the United States is diverted or stolen from legitimate sources, particularly veterinary clinics, or smuggled into the United States from Mexico.


Buy Ketamine Powder online

Ketamine Powder is a dissociative anesthetic used in human anesthesia and veterinary medicine. Dissociative drugs are hallucinogens that cause a person to feel detached from reality. Much of the ketamine sold on the street has been diverted from veterinarians’ offices. Ketamine’s chemical structure and mechanism of action are similar to those of PCP.

Also known as special K, super K and vitamin k, among other slang terms, ketamine is manufactured as an injectable liquid. In illicit use ketamine is swallowed or evaporated to form a snortable powder. It is odorless and tasteless, so it can be added to beverages without being detected, and it induces amnesia. Because it has been used to commit sexual assaults due to its ability to sedate and incapacitate unsuspecting victims, ketamine is also considered to be a “date rape” drug.

Ketamine can cause dream-like states and hallucinations. People who use the drug report sensations ranging from a pleasant feeling of floating to being separated from their bodies

Order Ketamine Powder online

  • An injection yields a quick response, with effects occurring in seconds to minutes.
  • “Snorting” leads to effects in roughly 5 to 15 minutes (this is the most common method of abuse).
  • Oral consumption requires between 5 and 30 minutes.Ketamine Powder for sale

The effects of abuse typically last 1 to 2 hours, but the users judgement, senses and coordination may be affected for up to 24 hours or longer. Sensations the user may seek include floating, stimulation and visual effects.

High doses may dangerously reduce breathing, lead to muscle spasms or weakness, dizziness, balance difficulty, impaired vision, slurred speech, nausea and vomiting, and severe confusion.Ketamine Powder

Binge use, where the user indulges in the drug in excess amounts in a short period of time has been reported, as Ketamine Powder online

Typical Ketamine Recreational Dose Ranges

75 to 125 mgIntramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous injection
60 to 250 mgInsufflation (intranasal or “snorting”)
50 to 100 mgIntravenously (IV)
200 to 300 mgOrally (by mouth)


Abuse of large doses can also lead to powerful visual hallucinations that are intensified by environmental stimuli. Coma and deep unconsciousness can occur. When higher doses of ketamine are abused, or during emergence, it is reported to produce vivid dreams and an “out-of-body”, “K-hole” or “near-death” hallucinogenic experience, often reported as terrifying (similar to bad LSD trip).

In smaller doses, such as those typically used recreationally, ketamine can lead to various effects such as:

  • feelings of calmness and relaxation, relief from pain
  • depressed mental state
  • dizziness
  • detached feeling from body
  • slurred speech
  • diminished reflexes
  • hallucinations lasting from 30 to 60 minutes
  • nystagmus (repetitive, uncontrolled movements of the eyes).
Ketamine Health Hazards & Side Effects

Abuse of ketamine can be linked with short-term and long-term problems:

  • Short-term: Problems with attention, learning, and memory; dreamlike states, hallucinations; sedation; confusion; loss of memory; raised blood pressure; unconsciousness; dangerously slowed breathing.
  • Long-term: Ulcers and pain in the bladder; kidney problems; stomach pain; depression; poor memory.

The most common side effects associated with ketamine when used medically are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diplopia (double vision), drowsiness, dysphoria (unease, restlessness), and confusion. There is also the risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases from shared

Ketamine use can be fatal in people who are alcoholics or acutely intoxicated with alcohol. There are animal reports of an increased risk of toxicity when ketamine is combined with caffeine. Theoretically, this may be a concern in people who have consumed energy drinks, often done at nightclubs where ketamine may be abused.order Ketamine Powder online

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15grams, 25grams, 50grams, 100grams, 500grams, 1kg


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